Soon there are elections in Brazil, Holland, and France, and probably in more places. To find out in what political camp you are, you can take a 10-questions test here. My result is:
This blog is about the adventures of a software developer from Amsterdam who is now living in Nice and working in Sophia Antipolis, on the Côte d'Azur.
Soon there are elections in Brazil, Holland, and France, and probably in more places. To find out in what political camp you are, you can take a 10-questions test here. My result is:
You think of Holland as a small country. Think again; between Nice and the Italian frontier lies a tiny mountainous settlement, that to this day managed to save its independence from France and the European Union. The ruling family call themselves princes, since François Grimaldi in the year 1297 treacherously gained entrance to the Genoan fortress on the rock, hiding his weapons under his monk's disguise. At 15 minutes from the Nice Ville train station it makes for a nice day trip, where everybody takes almost the same photographs. So did we!
Staying in Amsterdam had left me with a cold from which I've still not fully recovered. The contrast in climate with the Rivièra is particularly striking this time of year. Cristina and me took a walk up the Colline de Chateau, the hill between the old city and the port, where there used to be a castle until its destruction in 1706 by Louis XIV. For reference here you have an image of Nice in the old days, when the castle still stood:
The wedding! On an autumn Monday morning with sunshine, rain and strong winds in Amsterdam. The ceremony took place in the city hall known as Stopera. Complete with speeches by Alexander and my mum, the latter recited by Youri. Cristina was very beautiful in her white dress, and did not faint at the moment suprême, as she had predicted. Daniela kindly did a great job of translating (almost) everything to Portuguese. Gertjan performed the role of ring-bearer. Sylvia took photographs, Youri made a film, my Hamburg friends Rik and Delia acted (with Daniela) as witnesses, Ingrid and Roy just back from Costa Rica didn't bring their IDs so they couldn't join the witness table, and Maurice and Hévila were almost in time. Could not have been more perfect!