This blog is about the adventures of a software developer from Amsterdam who is now living in Nice and working in Sophia Antipolis, on the Côte d'Azur.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Jellyfish Côte d’Azur

The last couple of days, this blog has been frequently visited by American people searching Google for jellyfish in Nice or Corsica. Somehow this blog turns up high, even before this post, all because of 1 picture of a jellyfish in Corsica. So what's the news? Earlier this summer the newspaper Nice-Matin ran a story that there were "more" jellyfish than in normal years, here in the Baie des Anges. The article also neatly explained the effect of a sting (feels like an electric shock and a hot iron at the same time) and what to do about it when you get one (go to medical post at the beach; or rinse with 10% ammonia solution; and there was something involving tomatoes or bananas too, I don't remember).

Personally I've seen only one jellyfish so far, this side of the sea. And it doesn't look like anyone at all is deterred from the beaches and the sea for this reason. But yesterday, the Riviera Times ran a story explaining

Hundreds of Pelagia noctiluca jellyfish that swept in on a current from Italy at the weekend are still present on the Côte d’Azur

So now we know where they are from !!

In any case, they are very beautiful.. just think of that to ease your pain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I returned a day ago from Corsika and I can confirm that there are jellyfish there. I saw many of them. I also saw people with big red spots that got bitten. No panic. Just look carefully into the water you are about to swim, its also good to observe other people on the beach..



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